Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Praying for opportunities

I skipped a week of blogging, no excuses really, just waiting for inspiration.  I plan things to blog and it seems like those things never work out correctly.  The blog is started then discarded.

So waiting for inspiration is probably better.

As I was praying this week, I decided my focus was a bit off. So I prayed the opportunities prayer.

Ok, let me explain.  When Ryan was around 3 years old, we started praying together.  He would listen (he did not speak until after age 3) and I would pray.  I was trying to show him that Jesus loved Him and that we were called to a higher purpose and that purpose was helping people in need.  I was a stay home mom, and rarely did things outside the home, then mostly with other moms that were already Christians.  They were stable and had everything they needed.  How was I ever going to show Ryan what we were called to do? I was stumped.

So I started praying the opportunities prayer.  This is how it went.  "God please give us chances to serve You today, and make it clear to us where and whom you want us to serve.."  We prayed and prayed that prayer.

Well, pretty quick, I noticed there were little chances here and there.  I would have missed them, but the prayer made me very sensitive to the world around.  There would be a lady at the grocery store with lots of kids and we would put her basket back for her.  Or the new mom in need of someone to do her laundry. After a year of this prayer, the opportunities became more pronounced and the calling became a little harder.  At times I did not want to serve the way He was calling me to.  I still prayed the prayer though, and every time I ignored the pull, Ryan would notice and call me on it.  (wow I hate it when that happens!)

Then one day we were passing by a homeless man.  Ryan asked me if that was a chance to serve, I said yes, but I had no money that day.  He chimed up "mom, I have some cash!"  He handed the man a dollar bill.

God does have a sense of irony.  I was trying to teach my child purpose and prayer and he taught me instead.

All of that to say, God gives us many chances to serve when we ask Him. Those are the prayers that are closest to God's heart. They use us as a vessel to show His love.  Those prayers are blessed...we are blessed as we serve and God is glorified.  God sees all those little ways we serve, then blesses us with more and more ways as we obey the Spirit.

so my  plan tonight is to ask for chances tomorrow
..if by some chance I miss them, I know Ryan will make sure I follow through.

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